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Introducing Moonbase: A Growth Initiative for Starship NFT Holders

We're pleased to announce the launch of Moonbase, a growth fund designed to ensure the long-term value and stability for Starship NFT holders.
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Published Apr 10 2024
Updated Jun 21 2024
2 min read

Key Takeaways

  • Moonbase is a growth initiative for Starship NFT holders who are long-term visionary and believe in the protocol.
  • The fund is utilized for two main focuses: Building a strong treasury for Starship via buyback activities and initiating an insurance fund to protect Starship NFT holders in unfavorable situations
  • Our initial step is a dedicated pfp collection for investors for a strong and recognizable Starship community.

Moonbase Overview

Moonbase was established to embody a growth initiative for NFT holders of Starship. With the funding sources coming from royalty fee, platform fee and primary sales of the Collection, Moonbase serves as a protection layer with a strategy to buy back Starship NFTs and make contributions to the treasury. The fund can be utilized to support unsold allocations in occasions needed for ensuring the stability of the community sale. Moonbase aims to stabilize the cost of acquiring Starship NFTs for investors and early comers initially, which can power more trust and drive adoption for Starship Membership Collection, thus creating a positive flywheel in the later phases.

Moonbase's Core Focuses

  • Buyback Mechanism: The decision to implement a buyback initiative stems from our commitment to distributing the value back to Starship NFT holders and enhancing the value of the Collection. We aim to maximize the value delivered to the investor community, who have strong convictions in Starship from early days. Investors who hold onto Starship NFTs, with the belief Starship will gain future value, should be acknowledged for their foresight, similar to holders of top-tier collections.Thus, Moonbase aims to reward long-term NFT holders by ensuring the overall value of the Collection remains strong.
  • Insurance against ill-intentioned actors: In addition, Moonbase is founded to protect Starship NFT holders in face of emergent events. The acquired NFTs are contributed to the treasury, which can be tracked by the community in a fully transparent manner. The contributions to the treasury are reserved for events in need of Available NFTs such as due to negative external influences or to manage unsold allocations. Henceforth, Moonbase fosters a healthy space for sustained growth and stable liquidity where investors have confidence to join our community sales. 

The Next Step

In essence, Moonbase's  approach encompasses value redistribution, NFT holder protection, and ecosystem sustainability. One of the initial steps of Moonbase is to power the recognition of Starship community via funding a pfp collection for our investors. For the future phase, participants have more convictions to own Starship NFTs, more loyalty fees are generated and thus a solid positive flywheel to power the value for Starship NFT holders. 

About Starship

Starship is a community-driven multichain fundraising platform designed to offer the community a fair chance to access potential high-quality projects while serving as a reliable bridge between investors and truly long-term builders. Also, Starship supports promising teams to make their mark on the Web3 world.

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