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Subscription Model: Full User Guidelines

On this blog, you can find everything you need to know about subscription model.
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Published Feb 24 2025
Updated Mar 10 2025
3 min read

Introduction to Subscription Model

Starship introduces the Subscription Model, offering a flexible, user-friendly method for participants to commit to purchasing project tokens. With this model, you will commit a set amount of tokens ($C98) to register, and depending on the total committed amount with available token supply, you will either receive a full allocation or be required to redeem part of their commitment in case of over-subscription. This provides a transparent and fair way for you to secure the allocation.

Key Points of the Subscription Model:

  1. Fixed Token Price: The token price remains fixed and is not affected by the total amount of committed funds.
  2. Hard Cap: If the total committed funds are less than the hard cap, users will receive a corresponding number of tokens based on their commitment.
  3. Over-subscription: If the committed funds exceed the available token supply, users will receive a proportional allocation of tokens and will redeem the excess amount they committed.
  4. Commitment Process: Users commit tokens to register, and after the sale, they may redeem any excess commitment.


    • If total commitment ≤ hard cap: Participants get full allocation.
    • If total commitment > hard cap: Token allocation = (Individual commitment / Total commitment) × Total token supply.

    Excess funds are redeemed based on this proportion on Starship site.

    Example for Token Allocation and Redemption Process

    The following example will help you understand how the formula works in all the sales that applied subscription model.

    Let's say the total amount raised is $50,000 ~ 500,000 C98, with a token price of 0.01 C98 and a total allocation of 50,000,000 $DEMO tokens.

    For demonstration, let’s assume the total committed pool is 600,000 C98, which exceeds the hard cap of (over-subscribed). In this pool, Alice has committed 500 C98 and Bob has committed 6,000 C98. Alice and Bob will receive their $DEMO tokens based on their committed amounts as below:

    - Alice (500 C98): Get 41,666 $DEMO = (500/600,000)*50,000,000

    - Bob (6,000 C98): Get 500,000 $DEMO = (6,000/600,000)*50,000,000

    For their C98 redemption, they will receive:

    - Alice: Redeem 83.34 C98 = 500-(41,666*0.01)

    - Bob: Redeem 1,000 C98 = 6,000-(500,000*0.01)

    Note: C98 Redemption Period for Over-Subscribed Cases: If there is over-subscription, you will be able to redeem excess funds 01 hour after the sale ends.


    Full Step-by-Step Guidelines

    Step 1: Log in Your KYC-ed OneID and Connect Wallet

    Start by logging into your OneID account, ensuring that your KYC verification is fully completed.


    Step 2: Commit Your $C98 and wait until sales ends

    Once the sale starts, proceed to commit your C98 tokens for the project token. The sale will end, at which point the actual allocation will be calculated.

    Note that your $C98 committed during the sale is not the final amount to acquire tokens in case of over-subscription. The final allocation will be concluded after the sale ends.


    Step 3a: Claim project token when total subscription amount is under Hard Cap

    In this case, participants who have committed will receive their full allocation based on their committed amount. The allocated tokens will be distributed through Coin98 Vault, following the project’s latest announcements.

    Step 3b: Claim project token when total subscription amount exceeds Hard Cap (Over-subscription)

    In the event that total committed funds exceed the available tokens, participants are required to take two actions: claiming project token through Coin98 Vault and redeeming the over-subscribed C98 through the Starship site.

    Following the example of Alice and Bob above, the over-subscribed $C98 will be calculated and available for redemption 01 hour after the sale ends, on the same sales page.


    Legal Disclaimers:

    Cryptocurrency investment is subject to high risk. Please conduct your own research. Starship will spend a high amount of effort to do due diligence and select high-quality projects, but will not be responsible for your investment losses.

    Cryptocurrency investment is subject to high risk. Please conduct your own research. Starship will spend a high amount of effort to do due diligence and select high-quality projects, but will not be responsible for your investment losses.